
Royal Wimbledon Golf Club

Visitor Information

Visitor Information

Justly proud of their course, members often invite guests to share in their pleasure; there are also active reciprocal links with other Royal Clubs around the world. The unique atmosphere of Royal Wimbledon is maintained by not allowing the course to become over-crowded with the first tee open for play with only minimal reserved starting times.

A limited number of visitors may play on the course, subject to availability and prior application to the General Manager by letter or email, confirming that those wishing to play are members of a recognised golf club and hold current handicap certificates, 21 maximum for men, 36 for ladies.

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Green Fees

1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025

(a) Member Playing with Guests (per guest)

Monday to Thursday, all day - 3 Guests - £50
Fri, Sat, Sun and Public Holidays, before 10.30 am – 1 Guest only, thereafter 3 guests - £65 each
On competition days no guests prior to 2.00 pm, thereafter 3 Guests
Guests, under the age of 30, are eligible to play with a member at a reduced rate:
Aged 26-29 Monday-Thursday, all day - £30.00;
Friday-Sunday and Public Holidays, after 12 noon (restricted times only) - £39.00 
Aged 18-25 Monday-Thursday, all day - £18.00
Friday-Sunday and Public Holidays, after 12 noon (restricted times only)  - £23.00 
Aged under 18 when permitted - £22.00

Twilight: Summer after 18.30, Winter after 13.30

Mon-Thurs £30.00,  Fri-Sun £39.00

(b) Reciprocal Clubs' Visitor (hcp 21 (M) & 36 (L) or less)
Monday to Thursday , all day - 1 Guest - £50
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays, after 12 noon - 1 Guest - £65

Twilight: Summer after 18.30, Winter after 13.30

Mon-Thurs £30.00, Fri-Sun £39.00

(c) RWGC Overseas Members
May play up to 6 times per annum - N/C
Over 6 times, cost per day Monday to Thursday - £50.  Friday to Sunday - £65

Twilight: Summer after 18.30, Winter after 13.30

Mon-Thurs £30.00, Fri-Sun £39.00

(Playing times restricted to that of UK playing category)

(d) RWGC House Members
May play up to 6 times per annum upon payment of a green fee
Monday - Thursday - £50, Friday - £65
(Not permitted to play at a weekend unless playing as a guest of a member) 

(e) Visitors

Monday - Thursday (limited availability - price on application)

Visitor Green Fees are subject to prior written introduction, proof of membership of an affiliated golf club and proof of handicap index, maximum 21.0 Men and 36.0 Ladies

Casual Visitors are not permitted.

(f) Merton Residents
Merton Residents may play on the course at the following times and subject to the following charges and restrictions:

Monday - Anytime £50

Tuesday - Thursday after 3pm £50

Friday - after 3pm £65

Above times exclude all Bank and Public Holiday and are subject to availability.

Merton Residents must be able to provide two forms of proof of residence by way of a valid Council tax demand and also a photo ID card.  All bookings must be made in advance through the office. Access to the course at these discounted rates is only available to Merton residents who are not already a member of a golf club.
The full details regarding resident use of the course:
Merton Residents
The following form will be required to be completed by a Merton resident prior to play:
Declaration Form
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Course Etiquette

2 ball rounds should not take longer than 2 hours 45 minutes

3 ball rounds should not take longer than 3 hours 15 minutes

4 ball rounds should not take longer than 3 hours 50 minutes

Players are expected to:

  • Be appropriately dressed at all times on the course and in the Club House
  • Keep up with the match in front, not in front of the match behind
  • Rake bunkers and carefully repair pitch marks
  • Replace divots on fairways
  • Abide by the conventions of sportsmanship and fair play
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Dress Code

It is the responsibility of all members, their guests and visitors to ensure that they are dressed appropriately for Royal Wimbledon Golf Club, both on and off the course. Common sense, should be used please.  As a guideline, some examples of what is unacceptable are as follows:

  • Torn or ripped clothing
  • Tee shirts, and clothes carrying large or offensive slogans
  • Baggy shirts not tucked in
  • Track suits
  • Denim on the golf course
  • Non-tailored shorts
  • Baseball caps worn backwards
  • Open-toed sandals/flip-flops (men)

Dining Rooms & Veranda Room

  • Jackets are required and ties are preferred when dining.
  • Ties may be required if prescribed by the event organiser.
  • Golf shoes are not permitted.

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